Posted by Joe Rotunda on Jul 06, 2022
Risø TL/OSL Reader vs. Lexsyg Smart & Lexsyg Research
When it comes to measuring thermoluminescence, you want to make sure the instrument you’re using is highly sensitive, durable and long-lasting, and backed by researchers and scientists. The Lexsyg products compared to its main competitor is not only more efficient and functionally powerful, but also has readily available technical support, to help you with your issues whenever you need it! Check out this comparison chart below.
Their Product vs. Ours
As you can see from the comparison chart above, the Lexsyg instruments are a superior group of products when it comes to measuring thermoluminescence. Send us an email or give us a call to request more information.
Check out relevant work using Lexsyg Research & Lexsyg Smart: Relevant Work