Harshaw TLD Card Wrapping & Issuing Machine

Photo 2: Extended conveyor belt - Optional

Photo 3: A Harshaw TLD Card wrapped and ready for issuing.


Save time and shipping costs by wrapping and shipping your protected Harshaw TLD Cards, much like a film dosimeter. The WrapID Issuer TLD wrapping machine is designed to be compatible with the Harshaw TLD dosimetry system. WrapID Issuer reads the barcode on the Harshaw TLD card and then wraps the card in an opaque plastic film and prints customer specific information, such as user name, barcode and other important information on the wrapper using a real-time thermal transfer printer on a conveyer system.

WrapID Issuer machine is interfaced to a PC which runs the issuing software that allows the input of the issuing database via an ASCII file as well as capturing the issued dosimeters. The WrapID Issuer is compatible with the Harshaw TLD Model 6600 & 8800 Readers. 



    • Floor Unit: ~1.5m L x 1.4m H x 0.77m D
    • Weight: ~350kg
    • Feed Rate: Variable – typically set to 35/min
    • Power: 100-240VAC 50/60Hz
    • Clean Air Supply required: - 6 bar, 1mL/cycle
    • Rejects invalid TLD Cards
    • Self-contained operation and on lockable wheels for easy transfer within the Dosimetry Lab
    • Includes mechanical handling system, thermal printer, barcode scanner & software
    • Optional extended conveyor belt


PC Specification (Optional)

    • Desktop – Windows XP preferred
    • Screen resolution 1024 x 768
    • USB Inputs: Requires two, preferably USB 2.0
    • RS232 output
    • Analog/digital I/O card supplied with system
    • LAN access (optional)