The Harshaw TLD Card Storage System is designed to conveniently hold large quantities of TLD cards awaiting disposition either pre or post readout. This system is compatible with the Harshaw TLD Model 6600 and 8800 Card Readers. TLD cards are stored 600 per column and the unit can be manufactured with preselected number of columns to suit your storage requirements. A 400 TLD card version is also available.
There is a slider mechanism at the bottom of the TLD Card Storage System to hold the Reader cartridge allowing loading and unloading of TLD cards. The Model 8800 blue magazine is located at 180 degrees to the gold magazine so all the cards are stored on the wall in the same orientation and the jig can move the cards from the gold to blue cartridge and vice versa.
Harshaw TLD Model 3500
Harshaw TLD Dosimeter Holder Insert
Harshaw TLD Card Holder Opener