Mono- and Multi-crystalline wafer lifetime measurement device
for sophisticated material research & development
Sensitivity: highest sensitivity for visualization of so far invisible defects and investigations of epitaxial layersMeasurement speed: < 5 minutes for a 6-inch Si wafer, 1 mm resolutionRange of lifetimes: 20 ns to several msContamination determination: metal (Fe) contaminations originated in crucibles and equipmentMeasurement capability: from as-cut wafers to fully processed samplesFlexibility: fixed measurement head allows coupling of external lasers with triggerReliability: modular and compact bench top instrument for higher reliability and uptime > 99%Repeatability: > 99%Resistivity: resistivity mapping without frequent calibration
MDPmap is designed as a compact bench top contactless electrical characterization tool for offline production control or R&D, measuring parameters like carrier lifetime, photoconductivity, resistivity and defect information over a wide injection range in steady state or short pulse excitation (μ-PCD). Automated sample recognition and parameter setup allows an easy adaption to a big variety of different samples comprising epitaxial layers and wafers after various preparation stages ranging from as-grown wafers to up to 95% metallized ones.
The major advantage of MDPmap is its high flexibility, which allows for instance the integration of up to four lasers either for injection level dependent lifetime measurements ranging from ultra-low to high injection or extracting depth information by using different laser wavelengths. Bias light facility is included as well as options for μ-PCD or steady state injection conditions. A customer defined calculation with different maps is possible as well as an export of primary data for further evaluation. For standard metrology tasks a predefined standard enables routine measurements by only pushing one button.
Spot size variation
Resistivity measurement (wafers)
Sheet resistance
Background/Bias light
Reflection measurement (MDP)
LBIC for solar cells
Reference wafer
Internal/External iron mapping of Si
Integrated heating stage
Wide range of lasers
HR-SPS with a variable energy excitation source
HR-SPS with fixed energy excitation sources